Posted inOur events Watch now & attend ECR for FREE! Watch now & attend ECR for FREE! The ESR is giving away five free tickets to ECR 2020,… June 1, 2019Tags: Загальний
Posted inOur events ASKLEPIOS Course EMERGENCY RADIOLOGY (TRAUMA) September 19–20, 2019 Warsaw/Poland Course information The course is designed for last year residents and recently board-certified radiologists.… June 1, 2019Tags: Загальний
Posted inOur events Site for interns and young radiologists - site for interns and young people Radiologists, where the x-rays, CT, MRI, ultrasound are easily and… June 1, 2019Tags: Загальний
Posted inOur events Registration for the European School of Radiology is still open http: // www / cms / website.php? id = / en / programs / galen_advanced_courses / oncologic_imaging_from_head_to_toe.htm… June 1, 2019Tags: Загальний
Posted inOur events Online registration for prostate cancer is ongoing An online course on prostate cancer is going to be online pass from 26.09 to 31.2019 June 1, 2019Tags: Загальний
Posted inOur events “Medical physics – current state, issues, development directions. New technologies” Dear Colleagues and Friends! We would like kindly to invite you to participate in the VIІl international conference… June 1, 2019Tags: Загальний
Posted inOur events The Annual Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine in Biology will take place between October 3 -5, 2019 in Rotterdam Register Now! The Annual Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine in Biology will take… June 1, 2019Tags: Загальний
Posted inOur events ESR News June 2019 CONGRESS SOCIETY EDUCATION SCIENCE ECR 2020 Abstract submission | Invest in the Youth | Shape your Skills… June 1, 2019Tags: Загальний