“Medical physics – current state, issues, development directions. New technologies”

Dear Colleagues and Friends!

We would like kindly to invite you to participate in the VIІl international conference “Medical physics – current state, issues, development directions. New technologies” 26-27, September 2019, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Conference topics: learning and training of medical physics; innovations in medicine; radiation safety; biomedical engineering.

Kinds of participation: plenary report, speech, poster.

Additional information: More information about the event You can find on the website http://vomfi.univ.kiev.ua/medichna-fizika/mf-2019en/

Publications. The publication of abstracts is planned “Medical physics – current state, issues, development directions. New technologies” (ISBN 978-617-7288-99-1).

Important dates: Deadline for the submission of manuscripts – 13 September, 2019. Participants’ registration deadline – 13 September, 2019

Contacts: If You have any questions, regarding conference, please contact us by e-mail vomfi.info@gmail.com radbez@gmail.com

We would also greatly appreciate if you could promote the Conference among your colleagues.


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