NOTIFICATION of the 8-th national Congress of Radiology with international participation “Radiology in Ukraine – 2020”


of the 8-th National Congress of Radiology with international participation

“Radiology in Ukraine – 2020”, Kyiv, March 25-27, 2020


The Congress will be held at ACCO International Exhibition center (Peremohy avenue, 40-B, Pushkin Park, Shulyavska metro station, Kyiv)

ATTENTION: The location for Congress will be changed

Dear colleagues!

It is our honor to invite you to participate in the annual Congress of Radiology, which will be of interest to radiologists of various specializations: radiologists, ultrasound specialists, doctors in nuclear medicine, radiation oncologists and doctors of other specialties, radiographers, medical physicists and engineers, residents. Scientific programme: 1. Head and neck radiology 2. Neuroradiology 3. Thoracic Radiology 4. Cardioradiology 5. Breast radiology 6. Abdominal radiology 7. Urogenital radiology 8. Musculoskeletal radiology 9. Pediatric radiology 10. Emergency radiology 11. Radiological imaging in Endocrine diseases 12. Refresher courses 13. Nuclear medicine and Radiation Oncology 14. Medical physics, biomedical engineering and computer science. Imaging, quality assurance and radiation safety technologies. Artificial intelligence in radiology 15. Section for interns and residents 16. Interactive discussion of the cases 17. English language section 18. Sectional meetings for X-ray technicians and MRI technologists.

The Congress work will be in the form of plenary and sectional meetings, satellite symposia (lectures, oral and poster presentations), workshops, round tables, etc. Working languages of the Congress: Ukrainian, Russian, English.   Online registration of participants will be carried out: Registration Fees on the ARU web-site Opening Fee: January 1 – March 5, 2020 Early Fee: January 1 – February 5, 2020 Late Fee: February 6 – March 5, 2020. Attention! On March 6, 2020 electronic registration on the site will be closed! Registration at the Congress: – March 25-27, 2020 in the foyer on the ground floor of the ACCO International Exhibition center Registration fees:

Participants Early Registration Late Registration Registration at the Congress The day of registration
The members of the ARU 650.0 UAH 850.0 UAH 1050.0 UAH 550.0 UAH
Residents, Fellows 300.0 UAH 400.0 UAH 600.0 UAH 300.0 UAH
Others 950 UAH 1150.0 UAH 1350.0 UAH 750.0UAH

Free of charge for Speakers at the Congress. Purpose of Payments – “Charity, Name and Surname, for ARU statute tasks” Payments is required to be sent to the account of Association of Radiologists of Ukraine P / s № 26003056233489 “Privat Bank” in Kyiv MFO 380269 code 20059892 Attention- The date of your registration is considered on the date when the organizing committee receives your registration fee. Abstract for your presentation (with indication “for Congress 2020”) which could be included to the Congress programme is required to be sent to the e-mail: The Congress materials will be published as the Congress Book of the Thesis “The Congress materials” and posted on the ARU website. Abstract submission deadline is on the 25th of November 2019.

Requirements for abstracts: Texts should not exceed 2000 characters with spaces included, no pictures, tables and list of references. Microsoft Word 93-2010. Font Times New Roman 12, 1.0 spacing. The Title should be capital letters and the next line with the Name and Surname of the Author(s).(NECESSARY ADDITIONS INCLUDE, TITLE OF PRESENTATIONS AND NAME OF AUTHOR(S) IN ENGLISH).Next line – full Name of Institution, City, Country. Abstract should contain such sections as Introduction; Aim; Materials and Methods; Results; Conclusion; Key Words (up to six words). Corrections in the text are not allowed. Text should be free of grammar mistakes. The end of the Abstract should have the following information: author(s)’ name(s) and their affiliation, specialty, scientific degree, contacts(mobile phone, e-mail). Name of file should include Surname of first Author in English (Petrov.doc). If an Author submits more than one abstract, the files should be numbered in arabic numerals (Petrov 1.doc: Petrov2.doc).

Attention! The abstracts which do not correspond to the requirements and the stipulated deadline, will not be considered and published. One Author could publish a single work of his or two works as co-authorship. Materials should be presented in Ukrainian (for Ukrainian citizens), Russian or English Languages (for foreign citizens).

The radiological game “What? Where? When?” will take place at 19.00 on the 25th of March 2020. Buffet-style is included. Entrance fee for participants- 400.0 UAH. Participating teams have free entrance. There are limited places for the amount of participants. So, indicate your participation as soon as possible. Enquiries about the congress could be sent to the e-mail address: or phone: (044) 284-03-21 Responsible person of the organizing committee: Professor Tetiana Kozarenko ARU Executive Secretary (+38) 067-714- 19-58

Congress organizing committee

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