ATTENTION! The first joint scientific and practical conference with international participation “Multimodal approach in pediatric radiology: how and why?”,

ATTENTION! The first joint scientific and practical conference with international participation “Multimodal approach in pediatric radiology: how and why?”,


The Association of Radiologists of Ukraine (ARU) together with the Association of Pediatric Radiology (ASPERAD) announce the first joint scientific and practical conference with international participation “Multimodal approach in pediatric radiology: how and why?”, which will be held on May 17, 2024 in Kyiv.



Dear colleagues!

We invite you to take part in the scientific and practical conference with international participation, where will be present lectures and reports, interesting cases in radiology practice.


Scientific programme::

  1. Pediatric Neuroradiology
  2. Pediatric Thoracic Radiology
  3. Abdominal and urogenital pediatric radiology
  4. Musculoskeletal pediatric radiology
  5. Features of pediatric radiological examinations
  6. Contrast Examinations in Pediatric Radiology

The work of the scientific and practical conference with international participation will be held in the form of lectures and oral presentations, interactive discussion of cases, etc.


We invite you to send abstracts to e-mail: with the note ” Pediatric Radiology Conference 2024″.


Abstracts are accepted until April 5, 2024.



Requirements for abstracts: the text of abstracts should not exceed 2000 characters, including spaces, abstracts should not  contain figures, tables and a list of references. Formatting: Microsoft Word editor 93-2010;  font Times New Roman 12, single spacing. The title is printed in capital letters; in the next line – surnames and initials of the author(s) (BE SURE TO ADDITIONALLY INDICATE THE TITLE OF THE REPORT, NICKNAMES AND INITIALS OR FIRST NAME AUTHOR(S) IN ENGLISH); The next line contains the full name of the institution, city, country.

Abstracts should be structured: introduction, purpose, material and methods, the results of research and their discussion, conclusions. Corrections in the text are not allowed. The text should not contain spelling and stylistic errors!

Abbreviations (with the exception of common units of measurement) may be used only after mentioning the full term. At the end of the abstract, it is necessary to provide the following information: full name, position, specialty, scientific degree, academic title, contact phone number of the author, e-mail.

The file name must contain the last name of the first author in English (for example: Petrov.doc).

If several abstracts of the same author are submitted, the files should be numbered with Arabic numerals (Petrov 1.doc; Petrov2.doc).



ATTENTION!Abstracts that do not meet the above requirements or are not submitted on time will NOT BE CONSIDERED. Materials must be submitted in Ukrainian (for citizens of Ukraine) or English (for foreign citizens).


For more information, please call: +380507819198


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